Magical Bubbles

Bluebell books short story slam week 11 prompt 

To view more short stories and poetry on this weeks prompt visit: Bluebell Books  

I was beginning to regret staying behind to help clear up after the party in the village hall.  It had been a good night with everyone dancing and having fun. I had volunteered to stay behind and help with clearing up the tables.  My friends were waiting for me and it was plain to see that they wanted to get back to the holiday cabin and relax before bedtime.   ‘Why don’t you just head over to the cabin,’ I said, ‘I wont be long and it’s not too far away.’   My friends looked at me and Janice who was the youngest of our group said, ‘Are you sure you will be ok getting back to the cabin?’  ‘It’s dark outside and there are no lights.’    ‘I am a big girl now Janice, I will be fine, off you go and put the kettle on I wont be much longer now.’  I smiled at my friends and they reluctantly went on their way back to the holiday cabin.

An hour had gone by since my friends had left for the holiday cabin. I had finished helping to clear the tables and I had my coat on ready to leave.  I said goodnight to everyone.  Someone called to me as I reached the door, ‘Will you be ok out there Jeanie?’  ‘Yes don’t worry I will be fine, I know this place well now and it’s not too far, ‘ I replied waving goodbye as I opened the door to head out into the darkness.

I began my walk into the darkness away from the lights of the village hall. I could barely see the road and I reached into my pocket and brought out my trusty little torch.  There was just enough light to let me see where the road was.   It was very dark there was no moon in the sky to guide me and as I continued my walk I was confident that I knew where I was and I knew how to get back to the cabin.

I had been walking for sometime and I stopped, there was not a sound to be heard. As I looked around I realised that I did not recognise where I was.  I started to panic. I waved my little torch around to try and see what was around me.  The road had turned into a pathway and I did not recognise it.   To make matters worse the light from my torch was fading.  Should I keep walking on this path or should I try and make my way back to the road?  I decided to follow the path and began walking.

Eventually the light from my little torch was no longer there. The battery had died.  Now I was in total darkness, alone and lost and a little scared.   ‘There must be cabins around here somewhere,’ I thought, ‘it’s only a small cabin site’.  I continued to slowly make my way along what I hoped was the pathway. Suddenly something brushed against my cheek, it was very soft and I automatically put my hand up to my face. My cheek was wet. ‘That’s all I need I thought, rain.’

I decided to try my torch once more as I had heard somewhere that if you rest the battery it can sometimes gain enough strength to work again for a few minutes.  I switched it on and to my surprise it was bright. I waved it around to try and see where I was. Something brushed my cheek again and I shone the torch upwards to see the rain.  There was no rain, all I saw was lots of bubbles floating around in the air above me.  It was unbelievable, where did they come from way out here? I was puzzled and couldn’t take my eyes off them.

As I watched, the bubbles formed the shape of an arrow pointing forward. My instincts told me to walk in that direction.  I began walking and the bubbles were now at the front of me and I was careful to keep the torch on them.   The brightness of my torch did not change as I followed the bubbles along the pathway in the direction they were pointing to.  This was amazing and it all felt so surreal.

After a while I saw the lights of the cabin ahead of me and I stopped. The bubbles were now floating all around me, on my head, my nose, they were everywhere. I put my hand out to try and catch one but they avoided capture.  I stood for a few minutes enjoying the magic of the moment.  I started to walk to the cabin and the bubbles went with me, they tickled my face and nose, it was as though they were happy. I was happy too, they had helped me to find our cabin.   When I reached the cabin door the bubbles drifted back away from me. I turned the handle of the door to go inside then I looked back.  The bubbles had started floating away into the darkness. I watched until they had disappeared.

I went into the cabin and Janice came from the kitchen with a nice cup of tea.  ‘You weren’t that long after all,’ she said.  ‘Oh, I asked, how long have I been gone?’  Janice looked at me and said, ‘Only just over an hour.’  I couldn’t believe it, I felt as though it had taken me hours to get here.   I decided not to tell my friends about my magical bubbles showing me the way.  They would not have believed my magical story.  I know it happened and I will never forget the magical moment I spent with the mysterious bubbles.

Each time I go on holiday to the cabin, I often walk along the path where I saw the bubbles to see if they will appear again.  At the side of the path there is a small river that runs adjacent to it. I could have quite easily have fallen down the embankment and into the river. I believe that the bubbles came along to prevent me from falling in.  I have never seen the bubbles again, but maybe one day if I ever really need them they will return.

Jeanie McBain for Bluebell Books story slam week 11



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  2. Sweet, sweet, sweet! I’m forever getting lost on visits to my family in London. I think I’ve learned the routes properly when I haven’t. I took their dog a walk once and was away 4 hours. The dog was knackered! Those elusive little bubs would have come in handy then!……lol

  3. Bubbles or angels came to your aid,
    Showing the way lest your light fade,
    They led you right to your door,
    And will be your guides forevermore.

    Excellent story.

  4. Jeanie, this story made me feel absolutely giggly and brought excited, happy tears to my eyes. You did a great job building suspense and then rolling out that magical happy ending! I adore this story, and I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to share this on my FB page. Terrific story!


  5. That’s a very sweet story. I enjoyed the fact that you did not explain the origin of the bubbles, a little mystery is always good! Well written.

    And thanks for visiting my story earlier.

  6. This story is truly magical. Your style is very fluid, and you carried me along beside you on your trip through the woods. Well done!


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